Saturday, September 27, 2008

Holy Crawling, Batman!

I've been waiting for this day for a few weeks, but I'm still honestly amazed at Declan's agility. He crawled for the first time yesterday. He's six months and one week old.

In many ways, it's great that he's crawling so early. He's more content to play on his own and I know he's incredibly satisfied that he can finally select what to do on his own. He's definitely a motivated, independent kid. He'll focus on a skill until he gets it instead of just having fun and doing things on accident. There are no accidents here.

The down side is that he's now a total maniac. In the middle of the night, he's waking up and practicing his technique. Last night, we went into his room several times and each time he moved to the end of his crib and pulled up on the slats and crib bumper. He was sitting upright, clenching the slats of the crib like a prisoner clinging to the bars of his cell. Now he just needs to learn "nobody knows the trouble I've seen, nobody knows my sorrow" and a tin cup. Seriously. He was sitting there crying and peering up at us with this forlorn look. Like he just wanted to be free and explore the world and we were cooping him up in this horrible contraption.

I usually pull him into bed around 5:00am and the last few days I've woken up to Declan on all fours headbutting the headboard. Maniac!

He's also started bopping. All I need are some good jams and he'll be dancing the day away. The upside is that he now loves his jumparoo, although he's a little strong for his own good and often scares himself while he's bouncing around. The downside is that he bops all the time, even while breastfeeding. The changing table has become a battle ground and I often have to change him on the floor where he's flopping everywhere. I've gotten good at putting on his diapers while he's on all fours.

Seriously, are all babies so freaking strong? I'm no match for this kid. He's given me a fat lip, head butts that could make Chuck Norris pass out, and this week he grabbed my face with that death grip and gave me two large cuts on my nose.

As we speak, Declan has discovered the drawers in the tv stand. I think it's only a matter of moments before all of our DVDs and video games are strewn across the floor. Why couldn't I have a normal baby who waits until nine months to crawl?

Oh, and I forgot, Declan's new favorite thing? Electrical cords. He wants to chew on them. Great. Just great. And now he's eating the Playstation 3...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Declan is six months old! From the moment we had him, we've been hearing about how this is the best stage of babyhood. And now I can really see why. For the first time, Declan is smiling at me to try and get my attention, and he's more free with laughter and fun. I think that now that he can reach for toys and roll toward something he wants, he's so much more content.

Yesterday, my friend Becky came over and had such a good time with Declan on the piano. I posted the picture above. Declan was kicking and pounding that piano just like Jerry Lee Lewis. It was amazing, especially because he got his six month shots yesterday. The other times, he was just lethargic and fussy. Yesterday, it was like nothing had happened. And I'd blame it on his bigfatbaby status, but, sadly, Declan is no longer a bigfatbaby. A moment of silence please.

Declan has officially changed his status from bigfatbaby to Dex the Tank. Declan's weight is now only in the 75th percentile, 19 pounds, but his height is in the 97th, 28.5 inches. Nearly everyone who sees him, including his doctor, notes how sturdy he is. He's like that kid from junior high who's a rolly polly and then goes out for football. He's my little butterfly. And he's about to start flying around like one too. This kid is just one connecting moment away from bounding around this house. He loves to set his sights on a toy and wiggle worm his way over to it. There's an immense sense of pride in me as I watch him take that toy and stick it in his mouth for some well deserved chewing.

He's also started shaking things up and down. I've taken to singing "shake it, shake it, shake it like a polaroid picture, hey ya" when he does this. I think I'm funny.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Movin' Movin' Movin'

I think one of the saddest things about traveling for Rich is that each week when he comes home, Declan is different. It's amazing how subtle a change can be like Declan accomplishing something new on his high chair toy or starting to watch as I eat. They can also be big ones, and that's where I really feel for Rich. This week, for instance, Declan magically became 100 times more mobile. I put him on the floor in his play gym and the next thing I knew he was all the way across the room.

He's also started bouncing back and forth while on all fours. Rich calls it "humping" and really, that's what it looks like, but, correct me if I'm wrong, it just seems wrong to describe my baby as humping. I'm already dreading the teen years, especially if he looks as much like his dad as I think he will. Besides, I've already decided that he's saving himself for Vivienne Marcheline.

So crawling is coming soon and I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand I'm happy because Declan will have achieved something new and will be able to have more control over his environment. On the other, I've got these horrible spiral stairs that give me nightmares. And he partially trapped himself under the cedar chest yesterday. I'm sure that won't be the last time he wriggles into a sketchy spot.

Monday, September 1, 2008


This weekend Rich and I did what until now seemed impossible: we returned to normal least we dipped our toes. We took Declan to his first KU football tailgate. Last year, we only went to one, which ended in fighting and fatigue. Pregnancy and the heat, beer, and walking that encompass the tailgating experience didn't go together well for me. Without beer, tailgating is really just standing around in a parking lot. But, this year, the beer was back and it was magically fun again.

Declan was a champ. He rode around in his new stroller, fell asleep, and let all sorts of random people hold him. I guess he hasn't hit the stranger danger phase yet. He wore his little Jayhawk polo and all the hustle and bustle seemed to make a calm observer out of our normally demanding little one. Plus, all the new foods we've given Declan have made him much more happy to take a bottle of formula, so I didn't have to worry about finding a place to nurse in all the craziness. Rich just shook up the bottle, and Declan took it with no problem. Touchdown Corcorans!

When I say we dipped our toes, it's because instead of the marathon we used to pull out for a tailgating day, Rich and I were limited, and happily so, to about three hours. It was a jam-packed three hours though, and the Corcorans were tired. So tired, in fact, that we spent all of Sunday resting and hanging out around the house. I had three whole drinks during that monumental three hours, and I was just as hung over as if I'd spent the night partying back in the old days. When I say the old days, I mean any time before last July when I found out I was pregnant.

Even though the tailgate was the most fun first of the weekend, it wasn't the only one. Yet another disadvantage to having a huge baby is that he grows out of everything fast. This weekend, Rich and I had to give up the infant car seat. This means no more seat for him in the shopping cart, at restaurants, and our snap n' go is no longer in service. He does look cute (and much more comfortable) in his "big boy" seat, and it's always fun to put the new things you've bought into use.

Declan's also discovered the remote and the computer keys. He loves to bang away at them, especially when I'm writing email or IMing. He's really into what Rich and I are doing. He'll make chewing motions while he watches us eat, and he loves to "type" while I'm on the computer. He's slowly figuring out how to get to that toy he wants, but in the meantime I'm now essential for all of his playtime.

He's also discovered J.J. and Scooter watches with fascination as they move in and out of his view. He really likes all animals, but like most babies, is probably not ready to be that close yet. For example, Declan seized Rich's brother's puppy, who is a good two pounds, and, death grip extended, lifted her off the ground like she was one of his toys. That little dog didn't utter a peep. She's probably used to that manhandling from her mother. If it weren't for the panic in Scott's eyes, we probably wouldn't have noticed either.

We're also in the midst of some wicked teething. He'd like to have his pacifier cemented to his mouth and fusses amost immediately when he doesn't have something to soothe him. In fact, as I type this, Declan is demanding something to chew.

And he's just itching to be mobile. I think I have some running in my future. Wish me luck!