Sunday, January 3, 2010

Please and Thank You

By now we've got this traveling thing down. And even though Rich is gone Monday through Thursday, he completely makes up for it on his weekends home. I would say that Rich is a more goal oriented parent than me. He's the one who was all for sleep training, I wasn't so sure. And voila! it worked out great. He also taught Declan to put away his books each night before bed. Another idea that really hadn't occurred to me. And, most recently, he's taught Dec to say please and thank you, which of course come out pee and datou.

So we've been practicing saying please before he asks for snack and drinks, and for some reason instead of saying please and then whatever item he wants, he says please Dada and please Mama. It's pretty cute.

Cut to our last outing to the store. I've already confessed that we take advantage of all of its offerings. Free cookies make my life easier. And occasionally, we'll get the free balloon. We had Halloween ghost balloon until the day before Christmas. That thing was a trooper! But back to the store. Rich and I decided to split up so that Declan could run around. We've been snowed in all break, so these are the kinds of outings we design for our child. People love it when he shrieks and zooms through the store. Just love it.

So, I was shopping and Rich came to hand off Dec, who seems to be able to locate me with his toddler sensor no matter where we are. Bringing along a box of Cheerios he had found, Declan grabbed my hand and before I knew it, I was being tugged toward the back of the store. It took a moment, but I realized he was saying "Please, Mama; please, Mama" frantically while purposefully marching me toward the cookies. Turns out that's exactly what he'd done to Rich the moment they walked in. You gotta give it to him, he's got perseverance down pat.

He's actually exploded with his two word phrases lately, and that's been a lot of fun. Dada nap, poo poo yucky, and Mama wine are three frequently used in my house. Yep, wine is a frequent occurrence. But you knew that already, didn't you? The best is when he says "Wine!" and then solemnly, "Baby" because I always say wine is for mommies, not babies. It's an important message. Up there with learning to pick up after yourself and say please and thank you. Don't think that I don't add my own wisdom to this family. I do. It is so important that babies stay away from wine. Maybe they should do a PSA about it. That's a message that really needs to be emphasized across the country. I'm definitely on to something here.

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