I have been spoiled, I admit it. Since we moved back to Kansas, Rich has mainly been working from home. After he took three weeks off when Declan was born, Rich just went back to work upstairs. Although he wasn't available every second, he was always there. Then, everything fell into place and he was able to take two months off between projects. This has never happened before, and will probably never happen again. It all just seemed like great timing and circumstances. We've been in a bubble with Declan for a few months, but now the bubble has popped and Rich is off to New Jersey on Monday.
To be specific, he's going to be working on the Jersey Shore. I don't know anything about this place except what I've seen on True Life: The Jersey Shore on MTV which showed a bunch of oily bo-hunks with gold chains and hard-as-plastic-hair. Think the Gottis or Joey from the new Real World. At least it's by the ocean.
So, I'm now going from constant dual parenting to constant single parenting (during the week). Needless to say, I'm stressed. I keep telling myself to master The Secret. Although I didn't read it, I get the gist: think positively and positive things will happen to you. I'm really bad at this. I tend to mope and complain and anticipate the worst. But I'm not a kid anymore so I'm trying The Secret. Maybe I'll end up with billions like Oprah. She likes the secret, and I'm assuming she uses it. If she can do it, so can I.
I wonder what The Secret or Oprah would have to say about my dirty little, non-warm-and-fuzzy secret: I hate all my pets right now. Yep, you read that right, I hate my pets. This was one of the things people warned me about that I refused to believe. These animals were my family, namely Hunter who was my particular pet. I didn't mind that he sometimes peed in the basement or whined to go outside constantly. I put up with our dog Scooter's jumping up and begging for food all the time because he was affectionate and sweet. My other cat JJ was never around and had never done anything wrong, so how could she get on my nerves?
Now Hunter, who we throw outside every time we get a chance, hangs with the neighbors more than us. Although he hasn't peed, it might be because we've set up barricades to prevent him from going upstairs, into the basement, and in the guest bathroom. JJ won't leave me alone and growls at the dog constantly. And Scooter follows me around, tries to eat Declan's toys, and intentionally aggravates JJ. I can't deal! I feel like a prisoner in my own home.
I think I'm going to put ads up on Craigslist while Rich is away. Wish me luck.
9 years ago