Before we could go, Rich and I put on Declan's costume.
Yeah, that sentiment deserves its own paragraph. Imagine this: we've carefully and meticulously picked out the perfect costume; the right subject matter, right size, and right warmth has all been considered. And much too much money later, we came up with the perfect thing: Floppy the Bunny.
Declan was off and running right away. Exploring, eating, just having an all around fun time. But Dec loves a staircase and would not stay away. So Sara and I took him down the stairs twice to explore the whole building.
And then we found the elevator. D loves an elevator too. So much so that right as we arrived back to the main party level, his fingers all got stuck in the elevator door. Not so that it closed on them, so that the whole time it was opening, it was crushing those little guys. I thought for a quick second that I wasn't going to be able to get them loose and I think I may have been shouting in a very high pitched way, but miraculously, they all came out, and none are even bruised today.
But it did enough to make Declan thoroughly pissed. So I gave him some more candy, which seemed to distract him enough. But, I may have given him a little too much....
The next half hour was spent watching a frantic little toddler run, fall, climb, and shriek his way around the office, all while insistently trying to go down the stairs again. Sara sweetly told me about her sister in law and what she does for trick or treating. Had I ever heard of a child harness? Yes, I nodded, yes I have.
I explain these things about Declan almost every time I talk about him, and yet I think it really takes the true experience to understand what I mean when I say he's in fast forward. And hopped up on candy yields the triple triangle fast forward. Sara gets it. I don't think she'll ever ask again why I don't take Dec to the tailgate.
Fine, here's another. Go ahead and giggle.